Monday, December 14, 2009

Dad's Retirement

Today is my Dad's last day at work...After so many years of hard work and dedication,its finally time for him to sit back and relax.I am really proud of my dad,who had spent years working so hard,to help us lead a carefree life.I have learnt so many things from him and in this wonderful day,i want to thank him for all his love,care and support that he has showered on us.

Thank you Daddy!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Go Live Event - Fun Day

A Go live event was organized in our project on Nov 12th and the schedule was something like this:A cricket match at St.Joseph's Playground,Bowling at Amoeba and a sumptuous dinner at The Barbeque Nation.Since our interaction was more with the Danish clients,they were very much interested in playing a cricket match,as they had never played one before.It was whole lotta fun,watching them bowling,as it was their first time experience,but their spirit and enthusiasm was really great.Even for my collegaues, it was a tiring day,as most of them had played it last time around 4 or 5 years ago.Then we moved on to Amoeba,enjoyed bowling and the desserts served there.Chicken lollypops, French fries and Drums of heaven were really yummy...The play station was cool with many interesting games.We enjoyed it thoroughly until we were totally exhausted.And finally all dried up,we reached the Barbeque Nation and had a tasty and delicious dinner.The whole day was so much exciting and fun.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life of an IT employee

It's true they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I don't think there is a better way of explaining our life. Imagine yourself sitting in the black chair...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Do’s and Don’ts of a diabetic during overseas travel

1) Carry your Insulin medications or tablets in your handbag
2) Take Doctor’s prescriptions and a letter stating your medical condition
3) Carry ur doctor’s contact number in case of any emergency
4) Carrying a Glucometer is advisable
5) Take the right amount of insulin dose before meals
6) If you have nausea or vomitting, check your blood sugars immediately
7) Do not skip your insulin dose in any case
8) If your sugars are low, take less amount of insulin and intake some sugar/glucose immediately
9) If your sugars are high, take extra amount of insulin and inform the flight attendants for medical care
8) Check for any negative symptoms. Continuous vomiting may lead to a condition called Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), is a serious complication of diabetes, which occurs when a very high blood sugar level (above 300 mg/dL) is coupled with a severe shortage of insulin in the body. The body starts to break down and utilise fat for energy and ketones (toxic acids) develop. People with DKA usually complain of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and rapid breathing. This can lead to coma or death and should be treated by medical personnel immediately.

If you follow the above steps carefully, you can avoid serious damage to your body, maintain good health and have a pleasant stay wherever you are.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Nano meaning small, the cheapest car in the world is all set to be launched on March 23 rd.But,it has already occupied a place in the Guinness book as the world's cheapest car.It has been nicknamed the "People’s Car." And somewhere deep inside my heart,i have a small desire to own the smart little Nano.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Denmark snaps

Check out the few little snaps that i managed to click in my short visit to Denmark

X'mas pics

Monday, February 16, 2009

First Birthday Celebration

We organised a party on Feb 14,not for valentine's day,but for my son's first b'day celebration.All our guests were in at 6 pm as decided and the party started with a song and prayer.Then i helped my son blow off the candle and cut the b'day cake,which is the major part of any b'day celebration..We had so much fun and the party ended with a delicious dinner,soft drinks and ice creams(yummy)...It was a wonderful get-together,meeting all friends and relatives after a long time..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

God's Gracious Gift

After so many pains and hardships during my pregnancy, my little son was born on Feb 13th 2008.And now the time has come to celebrate and remember the sweet li'l one, as he is completing one year on this earth.Its so amazing to see the child's developments month by month.And to be a mother is God's most wonderful gift,i should say...Looking at my cute baby and enjoying each and every single moment,the funny and mischievous things that he does...everything is admirable...The joy that he gives to us and his grandparents is immense and priceless...We truly feel gifted and thats the reason we have named him "Shawn" which means "God's Gracious Gift"...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 20/2009

Jan 20/2009
One of the greatest days in History
The Inaugural ceremony of the US President Barack Obama was presided over in a short and sweet manner.
Fascinating to see his profiles in Twitter and Facebook and many others.
Nothing more to add, just one final quote,


Lets Wait and watch if his actions speak louder than his words....