Friday, September 26, 2008

Experience Uncertainty !!

As soon as I reached office today,the news of Washington Mutual being sold out to JP Morgan Chase made me dumbstruck/flabbergasted, as I had been working for Wamu since a very long time…I was part of the Wamu Offshore team and had been contributing to the development of the bank,in one or the other way…Though we were not directly involved,this news definitely posed a question to our future assignments..This was least expected..that too with such a big concern…May be this is what they mean by "Experience Uncertainty".When we experience uncertainty or when we are not sure of the consequences in life, either personal or professional, we usually tend to procrastinate(delaying things not knowing what is going to happen next).I was in a perplexed state for quite some time,until I finally made up my mind to face life as it comes,rather than letting such problems eat my mind...In other words, at the moment that you think that the best plan of action might be to walk away, "JUST GET STARTED".

Monday, September 22, 2008

தாய் மொழி

என் முதல் ப்லோக் தமிழில் ...

Modern Technology Owes Ecology an Apology

With the rise in the number of IT firms,large amount of space is being grabbed by IT Giants for creating their workspace with all possible amenities for their employees(Swimming pools,gym,clubs etc).They are forgetting the fact that this action of theirs is affecting the ecosystem in a lotta ways.The climate is getting hotter day by day,the trees are being cut,the amount of rain has considerably reduced,the Arctic is changing before our eyes,it is warming faster than expected than the rest of the globe and what not...the companies have now kicked off with Cost cutting too to reduce the usage of paper,pen,notepads and so on...It's the duty of every individual to own responsibility for the damages caused to the ecosystem and perform activites that nurture the environment...such as following the "Go Green" mantra and planting as many saplings as possible and saving water.If things are goin at such a high pace,where is the world goin to be?If at all we had understood the importance of the environment and the factors influencing them,we could have delayed this, atleast to some extent and given our children and the future generations a better & healthy place to live in...

"Heal the World

Make it a better place

For u and for me ..."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Six Sigma

For aspiring professionals who wish to take a Certification, here is one…
Six Sigma like TQM(Total Quality Management) is a process of implementing a business strategy to achieve profitability, while the latter concentrates on Process Improvement to achieve Customer satisfaction. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities(DPMO).Based on the expertise level, we have many roles/Certifications like Green Belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt and Champions. I am planning to become a Six Sigma GB Certified professional soon.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Empower the Disadvantaged

Sukrupa is a community that helps underpriviledged slum children to escape a background of poverty,illiteracy and ignorance and replace it with as good a future prospect as any mainstream child's.They prepare products like candles,photo frames,paintings and sell them.The paintings are made by the children themselves.The money they get by selling these are used for the purpose of educating the kids.Our company is one which offers good support for such organisations that extend their help to people in need.Some days back,we had a fair organised at our campus by the kids of Sukrupa where they had exhibited lots of things for sale.We bought candles and paintings to encourage and support them.We could see the innocent smile on their faces as we bought those stuff from them.By the end of the day,it made us feel that we have made a valuable contribution to the organisation by buying their products.It may be a small thing for us,but it's definitely gonna make a huge difference in their lives.So whenever and wherever possible,try to spend money for such good cause rather than wasting on something that is of least importance.A kind & thoughtful act,how big or small can be of immense help.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Home Or Weekend Spot?

In today's busy world,people working almost 24/7,life has become so hectic and difficult that we can't even spare a day for the family.With moms working from morning till evening and Dads staying out-of-station for most of the time,the kids have no other option than to spend their time with the maid or other family members. Life has become so mechanical in recent years,waking up with monday morning blues,starting off to work travelling hundreds of kilometers,with only books being their sole companion,staying away from the rest of the family for almost 5 days a week and coming back home for weekends...It makes me feel as if the house is no more a home but has become a weekend spot for such workaholics. It makes me remember a poem that i had learnt in my school days
"In this life, full of care,
there is no time to stand and stare"
Oh,how true it is!! It took me 15 years to understand the true meaning of this... Home,once filled with love,care and warmth has now turned out to be a weekend spot...What a pity !!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scribblings of my 7 months old son

The first letters/alphabets keyed in by my chotu when i was working on my PC
zzzzzzzfgyyyyyygg7tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty1 `1

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bone Mineral Density

We had a Bone Mineral Density Checkup organized by Medplus in our campus. It was conducted to check the strength of bones and create awareness among the associates. They had a small machine kinda thing where I was asked to keep my feet. Then they applied some gel in that area and got the results in the click of a button. For a good bone density, the result should not exceed -1. If it exceeds -1, then it indicates that u are at the initial stages of Osteoporosis. You have to take Calcium supplements if you don’t meet the required level. It is advised that 1000 mg of Calcium intake everyday is mandatory for a healthy lifestyle, which food alone can’t provide you on a daily basis. People with less density of minerals in the bones are prone to more fractures and backaches. So u have to compensate for the loss by taking Calcium supplements. Certain food products that are rich in Calcium are given below:

1 Cup of Milk : 240 mg of Calcium
1 Cup of Curd : 210 mg of Calcium
1 dish of Spinach : 73 mg of Calcium
1 dish of Soyabean : 200mg of Calcium

So better start giving your body the required level of calcium, so that you can lead a healthy lifestyle even at ur 70’s.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Best ways to Invest

So you have your money and are ready to invest. You've determined how much you will put aside, when you will need your money, took care of your debt, and determined your goals. Now it's time for you to find out what investment is for you and your goals.
One type of investment that you are probably familiar with is the boring old bank account. Here you can get about 2.5% a year ($2.50 for every $100) for the money you have in your account. Not the best way to invest but an easy way to start.
Another type of investment is the certificate of deposit (CD). CD's are a type of lending investment. With a CD you lend your money to a bank for a specific time, say 6 months, and they give you your money back with an interest rate of 6 to 7 percent compounded onto that amount. CD's are a guaranteed safe investment.
Bonds are another type of lending investment similar to CD's. Bonds can be issued by a bank or company. Through the next four years you can earn 7 percent interest through a bond (Calculate that for a $100 investment and it comes out to about $130 after four years).
The best way to make your money grow is through the stock market. Historically the stock market has on average returned 11 percent annually. However, the stock market can be the most volatile place in which you can lose a lot of your money. You must realize that risk and return go hand-in-hand.
For example, you have $1,000 to invest and you find a company that is currently selling for $10 per share. You can buy 100 shares of stock in that company. The next day, while you're drinking your coffee and looking through the business section, you see that your company is now selling at $12 per share. What does this mean? How much did you make? You bought 100 shares and it's now $12 per share. Multiply the two and you have made $200 with a current balance of $1200 (100 x 12 = 1200). That's a 20 percent return in one day compared to a bond's sluggish 7 percent return each year.
So which one is for you? Risk is a factor that plays a big role. How much risk do you want to take? If you're a low risk taker that needs the money in 1 year, a bond or CD is the best choice. If you can take a good amount of risk, without having your stomach churn every time you hear "The market dropped 200 points today", invest in stocks. Stocks are also a good way to invest if you don't need the money for another five years.
History has shown that financial markets recover. And the longer you keep your money in the stock market the better it will grow to achieve your goal. Remember that the biggest risk is not taking one at all.