Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Google Story

Having been using “Google”, the most powerful and widely used search engine for quite a long time now, wanted to read about the history of Google, how it emerged and who were the masterminds behind the scene. I went to the Library and luckily caught site of “The Google Story” and picked it up with no further delay. Its really amazing to read the stories of 2 young boys Sergey Brin and Larry Page who became billionaires at the age of 31.And can you imagine, where do we stand at the age of 31? R we going to accomplish something remarkable like this? Or just lead the common man’s life with a “who cares” mindset..
Now,coming back,Google which was earlier called “BackRub” actually means “A very large number”.It was derived from the word “googol” which means the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeros.Google gets paid for every search that happens, and this is how they make money.

Few Google Search Tips
1)Google can be your phone book
2)Google can be ur calculator-Type a math problem in the search box and it will compute it.
3)Use quotation marks when precision matters-"query"
4Google can be ur dictionary-Type define followed by any word.
5)Browse the world's bookshelves online-Search for a topic at
6)I'm feeling lucky-Enter a search term and click this button below.Google will bypass a long list of results and go directly to the top matching web page
7)Weatherman-Type weather followed by a zip code or city name
8) retrieve scientific and and academic journals
9)Put ~ before the word with no space in between to have google look for pages with both that term and its synonyms eg:~query

Power of Failure

Have u ever watched a butterfly struggle to break out of its cocoon.After making some progress to work its way thro' a small hole,the butterfly appeared to simply stop its efforts.For some time it seemed to make no headway,so i concluded it was stuck and decided to lend a helping hand by forming a larger opening in the cocoon with scissors.Afterward the butterfly emerged easily but with small,shriveled wings and a swollen body.It turned out that the struggle to emerge from the cocoon would have forced the fluid from the butterfly's body into its wings,a necessary process for enabling it to fly.As a result of my well intentioned help,i had interfered with nature's life strengthening process.The butterfly was now doomed never to fly,but to crawl around with its swollen body and shriveled wings for the rest of its life.Many of our failures in life present us with the same kind of challenge that the butterfly faced.We cannot hope to become really successful in our lives unless we learn to fail well in a way that prepares us for greater success.We need failures in life to provide us with the opportunity to wrestle with the kind of challenge that can squeeze the life giving fluid we need to strengthen our wings for succesful flight in life.
"If you want to be more successful...double your failure rate"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

AV Angelism

Sounds like Evangelism?? AV Angelism is using Audio and Video for spreading the word of God.I got an opportunity to attend a one day AV workshop.Led by Mr.Ashley,a wonderful narrator who stole the whole day with his lively speech and interactive training.We were around 15-20 of us,the session started with the basics of AV.We had our cameras,laptops and handicams.The morning session was just theory and post lunch we had practical workshops ,where in we were asked to photoshoot anything and everything that we liked.The main objective is not to take a photo,but to make a photo.The picture that we take should convey some meaning by itself.First thing is that u should have a theme,a story board and then decide how many shots needs to be taken.The shots are classifed as Long shot,Established shot,Medium shot,Closeup shot,Favouring shot and so on.Then compile all these individual photos or shots into a single movieline using Windows Moviemaker with some music appended onto it.On the whole,it was a good package.Now i have started experimenting AV Angelism.

Monday, October 13, 2008

House Warming Ceremony

My bro has bought a flat in JP Nagar and we had a prayer meeting on sunday.Not the usual family gathering,only 7 of us,mom,dad,hubby,bro,me,Shawn,maid and Pastor.The prayer started at 8 AM with a song.Then a modified version of the old traditional way of boiling milk and letting a small quantity to spill over the pot.Everyone has to pour half a cup of milk into the pot with a word of prayer and blessing.Just a matter of 30 minutes,we had some sweets,drank the milk and came back.Everything went on smooth and the beginning was good.Hope and wish that the house brings happiness,prosperity and good luck for people who are going to live there.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A gift for my betterhalf

If u had been reading my previous blogs,u would have come to know that my hubby is a bookworm.He has a huge collection of vast number of books,comprising of bio and auto biographies,novels and some technical stuff.As we all know,books are precious and good companions with lots of knowledge in store.I wanted to gift him a bookshelf,to safeguard his precious treasure.I heard that Shivaji Nagar has a lots of such stuffs,and that too for a reasonable and affordable price.I made my way to Shivaji nagar,visited so many shops,and finally did like one.Decided to buy that,I thought i would pay him by cash and thus save the extra few bucks which they would deduct for cards.The storekeeper said that there is an ATM nearby.I went to the ATM and inserted my card.My bad luck..the power went off and the card got stuck.Luckily the power came much more quickly,the machine got restarted,but no clue where my card had gone..The next person in the queue started moving and it worked fine for him..I had no other option than to block the card.The bank rep said that i would have to collect it from the respective bank after 2 days.But i wanted to gift the bookshelf the same day.So i swiped my Credit card,no matter i lose the extra bucks(afterall its for my soulmate,so no Compromise) and finally bought it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mishap on Oct 2nd

My 7 months old son(Shawn),has now started crawling and exploring things around him...Its really impossible to leave him alone nowadays.Yesterday,we had our lunch and my husband went out for a haircut.My bro,who had come for some of his personal work also started his way out.I was with Shawn,playing with him on the bed.I got a call and just went to pick my cellphone on the other room,putting my son towards the inner side of the bed near to the wall.Just a fraction of a second and i heard a boom.I rushed in to see my son,lying on the floor,with tears on his eyes.I quickly picked him up,shook him,applied some water and gave a gentle massage...He stopped crying after almost 10-15 mins.My hubby and bro were in now.We wanted to take him to the hospital to have a checkup..But unfortuately,no docs were available as it was Oct 2nd,a holiday..Then we took him to Sagar Emergency Ward and the doc did simple tests - dilation of eyes,responsiveness and probably checked his bones by touch.She said that he was doing well and there was nothing to worry.All was fine, but it made me realize how fast disasters can happen,and i still couldn't stop blaming myself for this mishap.It's these little things that keep us parents on our toes!!!!!!