Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Google Story

Having been using “Google”, the most powerful and widely used search engine for quite a long time now, wanted to read about the history of Google, how it emerged and who were the masterminds behind the scene. I went to the Library and luckily caught site of “The Google Story” and picked it up with no further delay. Its really amazing to read the stories of 2 young boys Sergey Brin and Larry Page who became billionaires at the age of 31.And can you imagine, where do we stand at the age of 31? R we going to accomplish something remarkable like this? Or just lead the common man’s life with a “who cares” mindset..
Now,coming back,Google which was earlier called “BackRub” actually means “A very large number”.It was derived from the word “googol” which means the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeros.Google gets paid for every search that happens, and this is how they make money.

Few Google Search Tips
1)Google can be your phone book
2)Google can be ur calculator-Type a math problem in the search box and it will compute it.
3)Use quotation marks when precision matters-"query"
4Google can be ur dictionary-Type define followed by any word.
5)Browse the world's bookshelves online-Search for a topic at
6)I'm feeling lucky-Enter a search term and click this button below.Google will bypass a long list of results and go directly to the top matching web page
7)Weatherman-Type weather followed by a zip code or city name
8) retrieve scientific and and academic journals
9)Put ~ before the word with no space in between to have google look for pages with both that term and its synonyms eg:~query

1 comment:

Allwyn Wilson said...

Check in you house Book self , you will find a book called The Google Story
Cheers !!