Thursday, October 30, 2008

Power of Failure

Have u ever watched a butterfly struggle to break out of its cocoon.After making some progress to work its way thro' a small hole,the butterfly appeared to simply stop its efforts.For some time it seemed to make no headway,so i concluded it was stuck and decided to lend a helping hand by forming a larger opening in the cocoon with scissors.Afterward the butterfly emerged easily but with small,shriveled wings and a swollen body.It turned out that the struggle to emerge from the cocoon would have forced the fluid from the butterfly's body into its wings,a necessary process for enabling it to fly.As a result of my well intentioned help,i had interfered with nature's life strengthening process.The butterfly was now doomed never to fly,but to crawl around with its swollen body and shriveled wings for the rest of its life.Many of our failures in life present us with the same kind of challenge that the butterfly faced.We cannot hope to become really successful in our lives unless we learn to fail well in a way that prepares us for greater success.We need failures in life to provide us with the opportunity to wrestle with the kind of challenge that can squeeze the life giving fluid we need to strengthen our wings for succesful flight in life.
"If you want to be more successful...double your failure rate"

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